About Us

CareForce - We CARE, and together we are a FORCE!

Since the early 1990’s, Maxine has been successfully involved in networking and online programs with one company recognising her achievements on three separate occasions with specific bonuses/rewards for the purchase of new cars. Maxine’s approach to her work meant working very hard with people to help them achieve their goals. She eventually became disillusioned with this traditional networking methodology because of the unpredictability of monthly income due to people dropping out of the matrix or not ordering product with only a few people building their business. In addition, a trend developed with people manipulating their business to maximise their own income at the expense of the people above them. Teamwork is very important to Maxine and is above the “It’s all about Me” attitude!
As a result of these issues, Maxine researched the internet to find alternative networking companies more aligned to the way in which she works i.e. a matrix where people are encouraged to help each other to achieve their goals. Along the way, Maxine discovered many scams that unwary people could easily have been trapped. In 2013, she discovered two programs that were attractive and subsequently joined but once involved; found that they did not live up to their promise and resigned. As a result, Maxine researched and developed ten criteria that she could use to assess potential companies before joining them.
As they say one door closes another opens and in 2014, Maxine created CareForce which satisfies these ten criteria which involve people working together as a team for mutual benefit. At the same time, Maxine met with Noel Adams who was developing a new concept of teams building businesses together, which she embraced as the way of the future.

It’s called “TEAMBUILD” - The NEW way to network!

Maxine subsequently introduced people into online programs that are based on the TEAMBUILD concept such as ‘Crowdfunding; Humanitarian Projects; Cryptocurrency; Medical Marketing Projects R & D Research; Email Income’ that were to be of benefit to people who saw the opportunity for themselves.
Being part of CareForce means you are in your own business in NETWORKING where we are all working as a Team enjoying mutual benefits.
The reason for the CareForce name is that Maxine ‘cared to share and help’ and together we become, and are, a Force.
Now it is “We CARE, and together we are a FORCE!
Maxine introduced the CareForce Club which is by private invitation only.
CareForce has a number of programs that are based around a nucleus of NLA & PET Coin cryptocurrency. People can choose which they believe best fits their own life goals and business income structure.
Thank you to current members who have chosen to be part of CareForce and joined the Club and to the NEW MEMBER/S that join CareForce Club in the future.
Success to all in your chosen programs.

Care Force Club